Friday, May 20, 2011


Today was the first time that Mom and I had a chance to see what all this hubbub was about the quilt shop hop. It's different when you're on the shopper end of the things for sure.
We started out about 8am this morning. Getting on the road to Visalia for first stop and what a treat it was at Thimbletowne. Reconized shoppers from Strawberry Patches! Friends in new places is a great way to start the day out. Every place we stopped was great fun, lovely goodie bags from the shops and a wide variety of treats for the eyes as well as treats to eat! The shops all showed their appreciation to the shoppers who took time to travel to their shops to purchase the block material for the quilt project. I have to say that the completed quilts we feasted our eyes on were so much better than what we saw online. Maybe it's because it's really hard to get a good photograph of something in black.
Some shops were small, others nice and roomy but it's really hard not compare them to our favorite place!! I suppose it's like taking a vacation to a fun vacation spot - it's fun and exciting to go someplace new and different but after awhile it is good to be home again too. While we won't be able to enter the prize for visiting all the shops we entered the drawing for a lovely prize basket at each shop. So tomorrow I will be on the other side of the flurry of shoppers as I take my shift at the shop for a few hours.
Plus I need now to find the perfect handle for the new bag pattern and fabrics that found me in Hanford.

So if you haven't yet checked out the shop hop give yourself a treat and visit some of the shops!

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