Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Vanishing Design Wall

Found this new (new to me) product that has potential. If you're short of wall space this can hang above a closet or even a window and allow you to pull it down for use as a design wall when needed.
Click here to go to the site.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


It's the 20th of the month so here is the first block of Kaaren's Raggedy Ann and Andy quilt. Each block contains at least 1 redwork type embroidery design. Find the Raggedy Ann and Andy link button on the side bar of my blog to jump to the page where you can download.
I know I've been looking forward to this so now I can find out the fabrics and all needed.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Raggedy Ann and Andy BOM

I just found this post from Kaaren on her blog that she will start a 10 month BOM with Raggedy Ann and Andy embroidery blocks that she designs. It's a colorful quilt and I think it will be a great project for the fall as it is in more of the warm colors. A great project that appears that the designs are red work. The embroidery has other pieced fabrics added around it for the "block". I'm looking for it to  start on the 20th and then a new block each month. So add this one to your list to check out. I've added a button on the left side of my blog - look for the Raggedy Ann and Andy image and click on that to get to her site. Now we just have to be patient until the 20th when it starts so we can put our fabrics together. I have no idea of the size of this but I like it. You can do the redwork by hand or digitize it and sew them on your embroidery machine!

I just realized I had kept this post as a draft and not posted. You have to check out the link.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Floral Visions

Ok, we're doing the Floral Visions class this Saturday (7/17) at 9am. Come and join us! It's a software class so just bring your laptop with V5 or V6 of BERNINA's embroidery software. You'll also need to purchase the Floral Visions designs from the store. We have some copies of the collection available.
See you then~

Monday, July 12, 2010

70,000 Stitch Out Error

Yes, I did it. I was stitching a block from the floral visions visions project and trying to clean up the area around my machine. While sewing the thread to the last color I realized the large lace like leaves were missing from my stitch out but they showed on the machine screen. I remember when it first started sewing I had stopped the machine so I could select the faster speed - on the 830 it's bunny mode. Well, I must have some how punched the arrow by accident and skipped that color. I was tempted to say - I'm done but then I thought no way, Jose! That's a lot of work to just toss. So I grabbed several other colors to stitch the flowers out in, deciding that I'd make a little tuft pillow or something like that with my stitch out so it won't go to waste. Not my intent but better than a complete loss!
Oh yeah, the block was more than 70,000 stitches. Really. I'd post a picture but it's still in the hoop. Attached to the machine. In the sewing room. All alone in the dark. I'm done for tonight. Tuesday and Wednesday too. Hopefully I have enough fabric for another block. If not, I think I might know a place where I can buy some more.

Good Morning Sun Shine

When I came out to the kitchen this am for a cup of coffee I caught a glimpse of the clouds and grabbed my camera.
Sorry for the cable wires, but look at those clouds! I was still in my nightgown so just wanted to grab a shot. These were in the east, north of the canyon. Beautiful colors!
Thank goodness the sky was not full of clouds as we sure don't want the humidity that would bring, but the sunrise was beautifully colored and wanted to share!

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Class will be Saturday, July 17th 9am. If you need the designs contact Amanda at the store for details. She has already placed an order for the collection so they should be arriving any day.
This class will be a software class where we will build the blocks using the Bernina embroidery software so it's a skill builder class for V5 or V6 BERNINA embroidery software owners.
If you do not own the software please purchase the designs anyway. I am working on creating the split block designs for those that already own the designs - but that will be later in the fall if not in spring of 2011. In that class we will cover the construction of the quilt, beginning with the hands on intructions on how to stitch a block with multiple hoopings.
We'll have a great time as we embroider our way through the Floral Vision quilt project. Hope to see you in class.

PS- the quilt intructions will be provided to class participants.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Anyone ready for a software class to create a new quilt? We don't have a Software Sampler class this month so I've been working on creating the blocks for this quilt in the BERNINA V6 embroidery software. It's perfect for the 830 with the jumbo hoop because the blocks fill the hoop. You can stitch it out on other machines but you will need to split the block design which means you will learn how to multi hoop which is is not hard at all. Once you get the steps down it's a simple matter to stitch out the block. Here is the first block that I've stitched.

The blocks are not difficult to create in the software and I don't see you could not use V5 for this project.  After embroidering the center block you cut it down to 11 1/2" square and then add the borders you see in my image just above. The really hard part is deciding on your fabrics! It has taken me quite a while to decide and obviously I'm finally there. Now that I have my colors I'm really into this project. These blocks take time to stitch because they have more than 50,000 stitches. The 830 also has the color sequence which, as software users know, can save you a bunch of time. The block that is stitching as I write this had something like 51 color change when I loaded the design but after selecting color sequencing it now only has 11.  You'll need to purchase the BERNIA Floral Visions design collection from Strawberry Patches. I'd like to get a class on the calendar for July so we can meet and I'll show you how to follow the instructions. You can do this without the 830 and I'll show you how.
I'm also creating the blocks and spliting them for use on other machines. I know that those that do not have the software would like to make this so once they purchase the designs I will help them out.

Monday, July 5, 2010

JUNE Software Sampler

Backgammon anyone? This was our Software Sampler project for June. And for those of you in the class when I showed you the first half that I had stitched - I had plenty of fabric, no problem. I found dice at Wally World today but nothing yet for the game pieces. Then I'll make the little bag for storing the game pieces. The cd even included game instructions so this is a great gift idea - Christmas is less than 6 months away!!! Terrific project for using the Cutwork Software. I do want to do a border design, once I figure out what embroidery I want to add - just not sure who will receive so that has me stumped right now.
Hope everyone has been able to work on their project!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Celebrate America's July 4th Anniversary

Click here to hear That Ragged Old Flag from Johnny Cash.